Scientific Publications

Bennett, J.G. (1989). The soils of the proposed Santo industrial forest plantation, Vanuatu (ODNRI Bulletin 25).

Bonzon, B., Podwojewski, P., Bourdon, E., L’Huillier, L. & De Monpezat, P. (1991): Recherches préliminaires pour le développement de la culture du cocotier sur les petits archipels du Pacifique Sud. ORSTOM, Noumea, 280 p.

Brookfield, H. & Humphreys, G. (1998). An ancient land management practice in Raga, North Pentecost, Vanuatu. Le voyage inachevé... a Joël Bonnemaison, 305-10.

Claridge, C.C.G. (1981): Economic potential of clay deposits in selected South Pacific countries. NZ Soil Bureau Record 76. DSIR, New Zealand.

Dumas, P. & Fossey, M. (2009). Mapping Potential Soil Erosion in the Pacific Islands. A case study of Efate Island (Vanuatu). In 11ème Inter-Congrès des Sciences du Pacifique et 2èmes Assises de la Recherche française dans le Pacifique. Les Pays du Pacifique et leur environnement océanique face aux changements locaux et globaux [11th Inter-Congress of Pacific Sciences and 2nd Conference of French Research in the Pacific. Pacific countries and their oceanic environment facing local and global changes].

Farran, S. (2002), Land in Vanuatu: Moving Forward, Looking Backward, Revue Juridique Polynesienne, Vol. 2.,-2002/farran.pdf

Ferrandon, M., Wass, Y. & Dowling, A.J. (2004). Hedgerows and mulch as means of reducing soil losses and maintaining soil fertility in Vanuatu. Ground and water bioengineering for erosion control and slope stabilization, 283-290.

Latham, M. (1982). French soil classifications and their application in the South Pacific Islands. In Proceedings of the South Pacific Regional Forum on Soil Taxonomy (pp. 185-200). The University of South Pacific.

Melteras, M., O’Sullivan, J., Asher, C. & Lebot, V. (2004). Comparison of soil tests with plant response to nutrients in selected soils of Vanuatu. In Proceedings of the 4th International Crop Science Congress, Brisbane Australia, September 2004.

Quantin, P. (1975). Soils of the New Hebrides islands, Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc. London. B. 272: 287-292.

Quantin, P. (1985). Characteristics of the Vanuatu Andosols, in E. Fernandez Caldas & Dan H. Yaalon (Eds): Volcanic Soils, Catena Supplement 7, Braunschweig, p 99-105.

Quantin, P. (1992). Les sols de l'archipel volcanique des Nouvelles-Hébrides (Vanuatu): étude de la pédogenèse initiale en milieu tropical [The soils of the volcanic archipelago of the Vanuatu (New Hebrides). A study of initial pedogenesis processes in the mid Tropics]. ORSTOM, Paris, 498 pp.

Radcliffe, C., Rihai, N., Parissi, C. & Raman, A. (2018). More than a political slogan: the value of 'kastom' in extension for sustainable agricultural in Vanuatu. Rural Extension and Innovation Systems Journal, 14(1), 91-100.

Roupsard, O., Bonnefond, J.M., Jourdan, C., Epron, D., Irvine, M.R., Berbigier, P., ... & Labouisse, J.P. (2002). Carbon sequestration by coconut plantations in Oceania (Vanuatu). CNES.

Siméoni, P. & Lebot, V. (2012). Spatial representation of land use and population density: Integrated layers of data contribute to environmental planning in Vanuatu. Human ecology, 40, 541-555.

USP (2023): Vanuatu Soil Sampling and Analysis – Final report. Discipline of Agriculture and Food Technology, School of Agriculture, Geography, Environment, Ocean and Natural Sciences, USP Samoa Campus, Apia.

Viranamangga, R.M. (2003). Land degradation due to the agricultural and forestry development in Vanuatu. In National Environment Conference January, 2003 (pp. 481-485). Brisbane, Qld.: Environmental Engineering Society, Queensland Chapter.

Yeates G.W., Cox, J.E., Ross, D.J., Stout, D.J. (1981): Biology and biochemistry of the soil profile below a Kauri (Agathis australis Salisb.) tree. NZ Soil Bureau Scientific Report 51. DSIR, New Zealand.

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